Power of Concentration

The ability to totally concentrate at will is not only extremely beneficial but in fact is one of the most important of all abilities, and one upon which most other abilities ultimately rely.

Without adequate powers of concentration nothing worthwhile can be achieved or true progress accomplished; this is such an important truth that everyone should fully understand. On the other hand with the ability of complete powers of concentration quite literally anything is possible.

The benefits of developing the ability to totally concentrate at will includes but is certainly not in any way limited to the complete control of thoughts, absolute peace of Mind, self-confidence, inner strength, will power, ability to focus your Mind, improved memory, better ability to make and carry out decisions, more control over your daily life, ability to study and learn much more quickly and efficiently, control over extraneous passing thoughts and not giving in to them, freedom from needless, annoying, obsessive, compulsive or upsetting thoughts, routines and habits, inner happiness, the development of extremely valuable abilities as will be discussed in more detail later in this book, more advanced powers of the imagination including visualization, and the ability to meditate effectively.

There are many more valuable benefits arising from the ability to fully concentrate, these being just a few of the more important ones.

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The Natural Mind – Waking Up

The Natural Mind – Waking Up, volume one and two – an A to Z collection of over 250 topics and subtopics; covering everything from anger to competition; from supermarkets to desire; from pornography to love.

This book is non-linear, and there is no correct order to read it in. If you wish to read it the way it was written, follow the topic guide.

As you progress through each topic, you will find sarcasm; humour; practical insight; dialogues; personal stories; questions; a screenplay with you as the actors; telephone conversations; and a personal deconstruction of the human condition, chipping away at all our actions, thoughts, beliefs and traditions, to uncover the natural mind: a mind free from conditioning, ready to explore life with compassion, open to new possibilities; forever in a state of learning, living life with joy.

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Power Affirmations

What do I mean by "release your resistance?" It's simple. I think that many people try too hard to succeed. The harder you try...the harder you struggle...the more stress you create in your life. You actually create resistance to the very object or outcome that you desire. Instead, let go of your resistance. Allow your mind to be quiet.

Using Power Affirmations is a simple way to start.

Take a small object in your hand such as a small coin. With your hand facing straight down over a table, just open your hand and release the object. Without any effort, the coin will fall to the table. You can let go of any negative emotion, thought, or resistance just as easily.

The more often you release, the more your mind will be at peace...and ready for positive action.

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Mind Reality

Mind Reality contains Universal Secrets that govern every area of life and reality. You are about to receive knowledge of the most powerful kind. Knowing all these things will enable you to see the world in code, like the matrix.

This is the Key Book to get. The ideas within are waiting for you to discover and discuss with as many people as possible. You will experience a profound change in your life, reality and awareness when you integrate and allow the knowledge to change your world view into a different, higher and more conscious one.

The deeper the knowledge, the more powerful the knowledge. The more powerful your knowledge, the easier it is to achieve success, because deep, powerful knowledge is the key to inspired thinking and finding intelligent solutions to problems.

This book answers a great many questions that you've always been curious about such as:

What is the nature of all reality and the universal construct?

What is the difference between subjective and objective reality? The answer may not be what you think!

Did you know that there are seven states of matter which is of the one universal matter everything is made from?

Do you know that there are seven senses of perception and that all of them are actually one sense?

What do people need more than material assistance? The truth about psychic influence!

What is the secret of gravity, black holes and antimatter? Is regeneration of amputated limbs a possibility?

What is the True Theory of Everything which all people in the world are looking for?

And plenty more incredible knowledge inside....

The knowledge contain in this book is priceless. All who posses the strong desire for awareness, should be given access to this knowledge. The aim is to create a revolution in consciousness and awareness. To help people achieve higher awareness in living and experiencing life. To impact the world in the biggest way possible. To change lives and to create possibility. To revolutionize the way we understand the mind and reality. Because that is what governs every area of life, destiny and the universe. To provide the highest value to the greatest number of people.

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The human mind is an amazing thing and we are only just beginning to understand how, and why, it works as well as it does! Part of this understanding comes from our knowledge of how the mind and brain integrate as a complete unit. Jim Francis, in The Super Mind Evolution System, extends our understanding of what our minds can accomplish, and offers exercises to train these expanded abilities.

Jim describes how the human mind can easily influence other minds, to produce a win-win outcome. He also describes a unique problemsolving mechanism that can trigger answers to critical problems, during the normal sleep cycle - - and describes a simple method of dream control.

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How To Talk To Ur Subconsciuos

You may think that it’s your conscious mind that determines what your life will be like. You’re told your entire life that if you work hard and apply yourself, you can accomplish anything.

If that were true, then everyone would be successful with a nice home, great career, great family and friends, and enough money so that life is not a struggle.

But is that the case?

Why do some people have those things while others don’t…even those who do work hard and apply themselves? Because it’s not what’s in our conscious mind that determines what our lives will be like…it’s what’s in our subconscious mind. I’ll discuss this aspect.....

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With Concentration, You Can Be Whatever Or Whoever You Want To Be!

You can make those that you come in contact with, feel, as you do, because you radiate vibrations of the way you feel and your vibrations are felt by others. When you concentrate on a certain thing you turn all the rays of your vibrations on this. Thought is the directing power of all Life's vibrations.

If a person should enter a room with a lot of people and feel as if he were a person of no consequence no one would know he was there unless they saw him, and even if they did, they would not remember seeing him, because they were not attracted towards him. But let him enter the room feeling that he was magnetic and concentrating on this thought, others would feel his vibration.

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