The ability to totally concentrate at will is not only extremely beneficial but in fact is one of the most important of all abilities, and one upon which most other abilities ultimately rely.
Without adequate powers of concentration nothing worthwhile can be achieved or true progress accomplished; this is such an important truth that everyone should fully understand. On the other hand with the ability of complete powers of concentration quite literally anything is possible.
The benefits of developing the ability to totally concentrate at will includes but is certainly not in any way limited to the complete control of thoughts, absolute peace of Mind, self-confidence, inner strength, will power, ability to focus your Mind, improved memory, better ability to make and carry out decisions, more control over your daily life, ability to study and learn much more quickly and efficiently, control over extraneous passing thoughts and not giving in to them, freedom from needless, annoying, obsessive, compulsive or upsetting thoughts, routines and habits, inner happiness, the development of extremely valuable abilities as will be discussed in more detail later in this book, more advanced powers of the imagination including visualization, and the ability to meditate effectively.
There are many more valuable benefits arising from the ability to fully concentrate, these being just a few of the more important ones.
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